How was 2022 for you?

For many people I know including myself, 2022 was a challenging year of loss, unexpected accidents (re. car collisions; falls resulting in broken bones), and health issues. If you were lucky enough not to have encountered such difficulties, this is something to celebrate! Every end of year presents us with an opportunity to take some time to integrate and make our peace with the events of the year, and start the new year with a fresh new outlook and intentions. Reiki can support us through this process!

What is this mini-course all about

This mini-course offers various guided Reiki Healing practices and meditations that will help you: focus on a major event of 2022 (or multiple events) that was challenging for you, you will use the energy of Reiki and love to heal whatever remains unresolved from that experience; practice a Reiki meditation to clear anything else in 2022 that proved problematic for you; contemplate the kinds of energies you wish to bring into 2023 through the setting of helpful intentions, mindsets, emotional states, and inner visioning, and you will send Reiki to all of that; celebrate your 2022 achievements and happy times! This course is for all levels of Reiki experience, including Reiki for Self-Care Training, there is no need to be trained in the use of the Reiki symbols.

Pricing options

Course curriculum

  • 1


    • How this is going to work!

  • 2

    Reiki Love Healing of a 2022 event

    • Sending Reiki and Love to a 2022 event worksheet

    • Reiki Love Healing of a Past Event

    • Reiki Love Healing of a Past Event No Music

  • 3

    Reiki Meditation to Clear Multiple 2022 Events

    • Clearing Multiple Past Events Worksheet

    • Reiki Meditation to Clear Past Events

    • Reiki Meditation to Clear Past Events No Music

  • 4

    Sending Reiki to 2023

    • Sending Reiki to 2023 Worksheet

    • Sending Reiki to the New Year

    • Sending Reiki to the New Year No Music

  • 5

    Celebrating 2022!

    • Celebrating your 2022 Achievements Worksheet

    • Celebrate Yourself for 2022!

    • Celebrate Yourself for 2022 No music