It's Reiki time, just for you!

Has it been a while since you've done Reiki on yourself? Have you EVER done Reiki on yourself, apart from when you took the training? Have you been trying to do self-Reiki but find it difficult to do it on your own? Perhaps you find it hard to motivate yourself to do it? For these reasons, I thought we, Reiki practitioners of any level, whether beginner or advanced, all need a little push sometimes to give ourselves Reiki. I have created these recordings for us while giving myself Reiki so that Reiki would be embedded in my words... These recordings are also part of the Reiki for Self-Care Training that I offer. These days, we need self-care and self-healing more than ever, the world has changed drastically since 2020. As Reiki people, we can choose to embody the Reiki vibe and share it with others by simply being present. It doesn't have to be hard!

What these recordings are all about

These downloadable guided self-healing Reiki practices are designed to fit into your day or night for as little as 11 min. at a time. Maybe you need a little tune-up, a mindful Reiki moment, a mental and emotional boost to align with peace, love, and happiness, a longer healing session, a full recharge, or help with your sleep, the basics are covered. If you wish to meditate and deepen your connection to Reiki, I have included a guided Gassho meditation, the one that Mikao Usui recommended to all of his students. There are no reasons to delay your self-care time any longer. I am so grateful and honoured to support you with Reiki in your self-healing journey. Reiki Blessings!


Course curriculum

  • 1

    Preparing for Self-Healing with Reiki

    • It's time to take care of you!

  • 2

    Gassho Meditation

    • Strengthen your connection to Reiki

    • Guided Gassho Meditation With Music

    • Guided Gassho Meditation No Music

  • 3

    Reiki and Mindfulness

    • Reiki and Mindulness: bringing two great practices together

    • Mindful Self-Reiki Break

  • 4

    Practicing Self-Healing the Komyo Reiki Way

    • A little bit of info about Komyo Reiki

    • Self-Komyo Reiki Tune-Up with Music

    • Self-Komyo Reiki Tune-Up No Music

  • 5

    Peace, Love, and Happiness with Reiki

    • Peace, love and happiness: what we all want!

    • Self-Reiki for Peace, Love, and Happiness with Music

    • Self-Reiki for Peace, Love, and Happiness No Music

  • 6

    Better Sleep in the Arms of Reiki

    • Sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite

    • Reiki for a better sleep practice

  • 7

    Reiki, Heal Me Please!

    • For those days when you need a little extra healing...

    • Usui Self-Healing Session

  • 8

    Full Recharge with Reiki

    • Full recharge: the whole kit and cabootle

    • Full Recharge Usui Reiki Self-Healing with Music

    • Full Recharge Usui Reiki Self-Healing No Music